The bright side: When the bombs blew up, the Rabbids made it to the moon. Then, bombs appear on the pile, in which the pile blows up, sending the stuff back to the humans. If the last level is beaten, the game shows the ending, in which the Rabbid who stands on a globe to see how far the moon is attempts to hug the moon, but realizes that they do not have enough stuff. Two Rabbids then take a shopping trolley and search around for things to toss onto the pile, before setting off to the city to look for more junk. They notice the piles of junk around them, and decide that by making one pile bigger with even more junk, they could reach it. The problem is, they don't even know where they come from, so they cast the moon as their new home. On the outskirts of a bustling city set in Earth, a group of Rabbids hang around in a junkyard, bored of partying, and want to go home. It was released for the Wii and the Nintendo DS in November 2009, five months after it was announced and confirmed for release. However, as of 2011, it remains the only console game in the series to be an action-adventure game, as the following two games, Raving Rabbids Travel In Time on the Wii, and Raving Rabbids: Alive and Kicking on the Xbox 360, revert the series back to the party genre. Not only is it the first game in the series to be an action-adventure game instead of centring entirely around minigames, it is also the first game in which Rayman does not appear. Rabbids Go Home is an action video game that is based on the Rayman Raving Rabbids series. E10+ (ESRB) 7+ (PEGI) (Wii original rating, later re-rated in Europe as 12+ due to bad language)