Even though Max made the choice to give up his wish-granting power, apparently all wishes he granted remain in effect until each and every individual person decides to renounce their wish. How Does Wishing Actually Work?The film's rules on wishes are a bit murky, so we’re left with a lot of questions about how everything resolved in the end. In the Rebirth-era Wonder Woman comic run by Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp, and Nicola Scott, Cheetah goes on to become an ally of sorts to Wonder Woman, so if she does return, then it may be to fight alongside Wonder Woman rather than against her… after they sort out their issues, of course. And if it leaves you wanting more answers? There's nothing wrong with that.” Given Jenkins felt that resolving Barabara’s relationship with Diana would require more time to explore appropriately, that may imply she’s planning to bring Barbara back for a possible third Wonder Woman film. So there were multiple reasons for doing it that way. Even if it was that she did rescind her wish, then what? She goes back to her normal life, and now Diana is not there anymore? It would take time, and it would be a big deal to try to culminate one way or the other. But also, it's complicated what goes on with Barbara. … The truth is, there may or may not be more to come, and reasons for that. “And I think it's not clear, her point of view on everything that just happened. “I have my reasons for making it ambiguous,” director Patty Jenkins teased during a Q&A with IGN and a small group of press. Then again, we never saw Barbara renounce her wish like the others, so does that mean she could still have her powers? Perhaps Barbara held onto some of her powers and can now transform into the Cheetah at will, making her a sort of were-cat. Considering Barbara is no longer sporting fur and fangs, it would seem her powers are gone and she’s back to normal.

She sits alone and roughed up from battle, a pained yet determined look on her face. After Wonder Woman thwarts Max’s plan, we get one last glimpse of Barbara atop the dam, now looking fully human again.

The hero goes on to stop Pedro Pascal’s Maxwell Lord, leaving her fallen friend behind unconscious. Wonder Woman defeats Cheetah by holding her underwater and allowing a sparking wire to electrocute her. But even though we saw her finally transform into the Cheetah and engage in a climactic battle with Wonder Woman, her story arc ends on an ambiguous note. What Happened to Barbara Minerva aka the Cheetah?The film features Kristen Wiig’s Barbara Minerva, one of Wonder Woman’s most iconic villains from the comics, the Cheetah.